call(Object) - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.Context
call(Object) - Method in interface php.java.bridge.Invocable
Call the java continuation with the current continuation kont as its argument.
call(Object) - Method in class php.java.script.AbstractPhpScriptContext
call(Object) - Method in class php.java.script.Continuation
The PHP script must call this function with the current continuation as an argument.
call(Object) - Method in interface php.java.script.IContinuation
The PHP script must call this function with the current continuation as an argument.
call(Object) - Method in class php.java.script.PhpScriptContextDecorator
Call the java continuation with the current continuation kont as its argument.
canStartFCGI() - Method in interface php.java.bridge.http.IFCGIProcessFactory
Used for debugging only.
canStartFCGI() - Method in class php.java.script.FastCGIProxy
Used for debugging only.
canStartFCGI() - Method in class php.java.servlet.ContextLoaderListener
Used for debugging only.
cast(Object, Class) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Cast a object to a type
castToArray(Object) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Cast an object to an array
castToBoolean(Object) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Cast an object to a boolean value
castToExact(Object) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Cast an object to an exact number
castToInexact(Object) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Cast an object to a inexact value
castToString(Object) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Cast an object to a string
castToString(Exception, String) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Cast a throwable to a string
CGI_DIR - Static variable in class php.java.servlet.ContextLoaderListener
CGIRunner - Class in php.java.script
This class can be used to run a PHP CGI binary.
ChainsawLogger - Class in php.java.bridge
A logger class which connects to chainsaw -- chainsaw is a log4j viewer.
checkAccess(ThreadGroup) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridgeSecurityManager
checkCgiBinary(String) - Static method in class php.java.bridge.Util
Checks if the cgi binary buf-<os.arch>-<os.name>.sh or buf-<os.arch>-<os.name>.exe or buf-<os.arch>-<os.name> exists.
checkError() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIInputStream
checkError(String) - Static method in class php.java.bridge.Util
Returns s if s contains "PHP Fatal error:";
checkError() - Method in class php.java.bridge.Util.Process
Check for a PHP fatal error and throw a PHP exception if necessary.
checkError() - Method in class php.java.bridge.Util.ProcessWithErrorHandler
Check for a PHP fatal error and throw a PHP exception if necessary.
checkExit(int) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridgeSecurityManager
ChunkedInputStream - Class in php.java.bridge.http
An output stream which reads data in HTTP chunks.
ChunkedInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class php.java.bridge.http.ChunkedInputStream
Create a new chunked input stream
ChunkedOutputStream - Class in php.java.bridge.http
An output stream which writes data in HTTP chunks.
ChunkedOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class php.java.bridge.http.ChunkedOutputStream
Create new new chunked output stream
classDebugDescription(Class) - Static method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Only for internal use
classForName(String) - Static method in class php.java.bridge.Util
clear() - Method in class javax.script.SimpleBindings
clearLastException() - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Clear the last Exception
clone() - Method in class php.java.script.CompiledPhpScript
CloneableScript - Interface in php.java.script
An interface which exposes a public clone method, unlike Object.clone() which is protected and throws exceptions...
close() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIConnection
Close the connection
close() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIConnectionInputStream
close() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIConnectionOutputStream
close() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.HttpRequest
Close the request
close() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.HttpResponse
Close the response
close() - Method in interface php.java.bridge.ISocketFactory
Close all instances.
close() - Method in interface php.java.script.IPhpScriptEngine
free all resources associated with the script engine.
close() - Method in class php.java.script.PhpScriptWriter
close() - Method in class php.java.script.ResultProxy
Release the script engine
close() - Method in class php.java.script.URLReader
COERCE_WRITER - Static variable in class php.java.bridge.Response
A specialized writer which casts the value.
COMMON_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class php.java.bridge.Util
A map containing environment values not in ENVIRONMENT_BLACKLIST.
Compilable - Interface in javax.script
Compilable -- an optional interface contains methods which support the re-execution of intermediate code retained from previous script compilations.
compile(String) - Method in interface javax.script.Compilable
Retrieves a CompileScript implementation for the given piece of script which is a abstraction for the intermediate code produced by the compilation.
compile(Reader) - Method in interface javax.script.Compilable
Retrieves a CompileScript implementation for the script obtained using java.io.Reader as the script source.
CompiledPhpScript - Class in php.java.script
A cloneable CompiledScript
CompiledScript - Class in javax.script
ComplieScript interface is an abstraction for the intermediate code produced by the compilation and contains methods which allow the re-execution of the intermediate code retained.
CompiledScript() - Constructor for class javax.script.CompiledScript
configure(String, int) - Method in class php.java.bridge.ChainsawLogger
override this method, if you want to connect to a different host or port
connect() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIConnectionFactory
Connect to the FastCGI server and return the connection handle.
connect(FCGIConnectionFactory) - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIIOFactory
Create a new socket and connect it to the given host/port
connect() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.NPChannelFactory
Create a FCGIConnection
containsKey(Object) - Method in class javax.script.SimpleBindings
containsValue(Object) - Method in class javax.script.SimpleBindings
Context - Class in php.java.bridge.http
Emulates a JSR223 script context when the JSR223 classes are not available.
CONTEXT_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class php.java.servlet.RemoteHttpServletContextFactory
CONTEXT_LOADER_LISTENER - Static variable in class php.java.servlet.ContextLoaderListener
The key used to store the ContextLoaderListener in the servlet context
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class php.java.servlet.ContextLoaderListener
ContextFactory - Class in php.java.bridge.http
Create session, jsr223 contexts.
ContextFactory(String, boolean) - Constructor for class php.java.bridge.http.ContextFactory
Create a new ContextFactory.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class php.java.servlet.ContextLoaderListener
ContextLoaderListener - Class in php.java.servlet
Register the PHP/Java Bridge when the web context starts.
ContextLoaderListener() - Constructor for class php.java.servlet.ContextLoaderListener
ContextRunner - Class in php.java.bridge.http
The ContextRunner usually represents the physical connection, it manages the "high speed" communication link.
ContextRunner(AbstractChannel, ILogger) - Constructor for class php.java.bridge.http.ContextRunner
Create a new ContextRunner from a ThreadPool
ContextServer - Class in php.java.bridge.http
A bridge pattern which either uses the PipeContextServer or the SocketContextServer, depending on the OS and/or the security restrictions.
ContextServer(String, boolean) - Constructor for class php.java.bridge.http.ContextServer
Create a new ContextServer using a thread pool.
Continuation - Class in php.java.script
This class represents the logic to run PHP scripts through CGI, FastCGI or on a remote HTTP server (accessed through URLReader).
copyResponse() - Method in class php.java.bridge.Response
Flush the current output buffer and create a new Response object where are writers have their default value
createBindings() - Method in interface javax.script.ScriptEngine
Retrieves an uninitailized namespace which can be used as the scope of the ScriptEngine.
createChainsawLogger() - Static method in class php.java.bridge.ChainsawLogger
Create a new chainsaw logger.
createChannelFactory(IFCGIProcessFactory, boolean) - Static method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIConnectionFactory
Create a new ChannelFactory.
createContext() - Method in class php.java.servlet.RemoteServletContextFactory
Return an emulated JSR223 context.
createContext() - Method in class php.java.servlet.SimpleServletContextFactory
Return an emulated JSR223 context.
createContinuation(Reader, Map, OutputStream, OutputStream, HeaderParser, ResultProxy, ILogger, boolean) - Method in interface php.java.script.IPhpScriptContext
Create a continuation
createContinuation(Reader, Map, OutputStream, OutputStream, HeaderParser, ResultProxy, ILogger, boolean) - Method in class php.java.script.PhpCompiledScriptContext
Create a continuation
createContinuation(Reader, Map, OutputStream, OutputStream, HeaderParser, ResultProxy, ILogger, boolean) - Method in class php.java.script.PhpScriptContext
Create a continuation
createContinuation(Reader, Map, OutputStream, OutputStream, HeaderParser, ResultProxy, ILogger, boolean) - Method in class php.java.script.PhpScriptContextDecorator
Create a continuation
createContinuation(Reader, Map, OutputStream, OutputStream, HeaderParser, ResultProxy, ILogger, boolean) - Method in class php.java.script.servlet.PhpHttpScriptContext
Create a continuation
createFCGIProcess(String[], boolean, File, Map) - Method in interface php.java.bridge.http.IFCGIProcessFactory
Create a FastCGI Process
createFCGIProcess(String[], boolean, File, Map) - Method in class php.java.script.FastCGIProxy
Create a FastCGI Process
createFCGIProcess(String[], boolean, File, Map) - Method in class php.java.servlet.ContextLoaderListener
Create a FastCGI Process
createInputStream() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIIOFactory
Create a new InputStream.
CreateObject(String, boolean, Object[], Response) - Method in class php.java.bridge.JavaBridge
Create an new instance of a given class, to be called by clients.
createOutputStream() - Method in class php.java.bridge.http.FCGIIOFactory
Create a new OutputStream.
createProxy(Class[], PhpProcedure) - Static method in class php.java.bridge.PhpProcedure
Called from getInterface().
createThreadPool(String) - Static method in class php.java.bridge.Util
Create a new AppThreadPool.