
PHP/Java Bridge Servlet.
Applications should use the JSR 223 API instead.


Class Summary
ContextLoaderListener Register the PHP/Java Bridge when the web context starts.
HttpContext A custom context which keeps the HttpServletResponse.
Logger A logger class, uses log4j if possible
PhpCGIFilter Handles /foo/bar.php/baz?param=value requests.
PhpJavaServlet Handles requests from PHP clients.
RemoteContext A custom context, used when remote PHP scripts access the servlet.
RemoteHttpServletContextFactory Create session contexts for servlets.
RemoteHttpServletResponse A servlet response which writes its output to an internal buffer.
RemoteServletContextFactory Create session contexts for servlets.
ServletContextFactory Create session contexts for servlets.
ServletUtil Miscellaneous servlet functions.
SimpleServletContextFactory Create session contexts for servlets.
VoidInputHttpServletRequest A simple HTTP servlet request which is not connected to any input stream.

Package Description

PHP/Java Bridge Servlet.
Applications should use the JSR 223 API instead.