
Internal VM Bridge core classes and interfaces.


Interface Summary
IDocHandler Defines the parser callbacks.
IJavaBridgeFactory Create JavaBridge, IContext and ISession instances.
ILogger The log interface for the PHP/Java Bridge log.
IManaged Classes which implement this interface receive a notification before their container terminates.
Invocable Classes which implement this interface are able to call php code.
ISession The ISession interface is implemented by services to provide an association between an HTTP client and HTTP server.
ISocketFactory Create socket instances.

Class Summary
AppThreadPool A specialized thread pool which automatically terminates all group threads at the end of the request.
ChainsawLogger A logger class which connects to chainsaw -- chainsaw is a log4j viewer.
JavaBridge This is the main interface of the PHP/Java Bridge.
JavaBridgeFactory Create new JavaBridge instances
JavaBridgeRunner This is the main entry point for the PHP/Java Bridge library.
JavaBridgeSecurityManager A custom security manager for the PHP/Java Bridge.
PhpProcedure This class takes the supplied PHP environment and creates a dynamic proxy for calling PHP code.
Request This class is used to handle requests from the front-end.
Response This class is used to write the response to the front-end.
SessionFactory Create new session instances
SimpleLog4jLogger A logger which uses the log4j default appender.
Standalone This is the standalone container of the PHP/Java Bridge.
ThreadPool A standard thread pool, accepts runnables and runs them in a thread environment.
Util Miscellaneous functions.
Util.Logger Only for internal use.
Util.Process Starts a CGI process and returns the process handle.
Util.ProcessWithErrorHandler Starts a CGI process with an error handler attached and returns the process handle.
Util.Thread Convenience daemon thread class

Exception Summary
JavaBridgeIllegalArgumentException This class is needed for backward compatibility with JDK 1.4
JavaBridgeIllegalStateException This class is needed for backward compatibility with JDK 1.4
NoSuchConstantException Thrown when a class does not contain a constant.
NoSuchProcedureException Thrown when a class does not contain a procedure.
NotImplementedException Thrown when a feature is not and will not be implemented
Request.AbortException This exception isn't an exception but a construct to emulate a one-shot continuation in Java.
Util.Process.PhpException A generic PHP exception

Package Description

Internal VM Bridge core classes and interfaces.
Applications should use the JSR 223 API instead.