
Internal fast socket and pipe context runners for VM Bridge J2EE backends.


Interface Summary
IContext Interface which all contexts must implement.
IContextFactory Interface that the ContextFactories must implement.
IContextFactoryVisitor Interface that ContextFactory visitors must implement.
IContextServer The interface that all ContextServers must implement.
IFCGIProcess Common methods for all FCGIProcesses
IFCGIProcessFactory Implementing classes are able to use the FastCGI machinery.

Class Summary
AbstractChannel Represents the pipe or socket channel.
AbstractChannelName Represents the pipe or socket channel name.
ChunkedInputStream An output stream which reads data in HTTP chunks.
ChunkedOutputStream An output stream which writes data in HTTP chunks.
Context Emulates a JSR223 script context when the JSR223 classes are not available.
ContextFactory Create session, jsr223 contexts.
ContextRunner The ContextRunner usually represents the physical connection, it manages the "high speed" communication link.
ContextServer A bridge pattern which either uses the PipeContextServer or the SocketContextServer, depending on the OS and/or the security restrictions.
FCGIConnection This class represents the physical FastCGI connection.
FCGIConnectionFactory A factory which creates FastCGI channels.
FCGIConnectionInputStream Default InputStream used by the connection pool.
FCGIConnectionOutputStream Default OutputStream used by the connection pool.
FCGIConnectionPool A connection pool.
FCGIInputStream A FastCGI input stream
FCGIIOFactory FastCGI In-/OutputStream factory.
FCGIOutputStream A FastCGI OutputStream
FCGIUtil Constants and common procedures for FastCGI
HeaderParser A procedure class which can be used to capture the HTTP header strings.
HttpRequest A simple HTTP request implementation.
HttpResponse A simple HTTP response implementation.
HttpServer This class can be used to create a simple HTTP server.
NPChannelFactory A factory which creates FastCGI "named pipe" channels.
OutputStreamFactory A default output stream factory for use with parseBody.
RemoteHttpContextFactory Create session contexts for servlets.
SimpleContextFactory Base of a set of visitors which can extend the standard ContextFactory.
SimpleHeaderParser A procedure class which can be used to capture the HTTP header strings.
SocketContextServer This class manages the fallback physical connection for the operating system which doesn't support named pipes, "Windows", or when the System property is set to true.
WriterOutputStream A PrintWriter backed by an OutputStream.

Exception Summary
FCGIConnectException Thrown when the server is not available anymore
FCGIConnectionException Thrown when an IO exception occurs

Package Description

Internal fast socket and pipe context runners for VM Bridge J2EE backends.
Applications should use the JSR 223 API instead.