Uses of Interface

Packages that use Bindings
javax.script JSR 223 classes and interfaces. Internal PHP script engine implementation.
Applications should use the JSR 223 API instead. 

Uses of Bindings in javax.script

Classes in javax.script that implement Bindings
 class SimpleBindings
          SimpleNamespace is an implementation of Namespace using an instance of java.util.HashMap or another Map passed in a constructor to store and expose key-pair values.

Methods in javax.script that return Bindings
 Bindings ScriptEngine.createBindings()
          Retrieves an uninitailized namespace which can be used as the scope of the ScriptEngine.
 Bindings ScriptEngineManager.getBindings()
          Retrieves the namespace corresponds to GLOBAL_SCOPE.
 Bindings SimpleScriptContext.getBindings(int scope)
          Retrieves the Namespace instance associated with the specified level of scope.
 Bindings ScriptEngine.getBindings(int scope)
          Retrieves a reference to the associated namespace for the specified level of scope.
 Bindings ScriptContext.getBindings(int scope)
          Retrieves the Namespace instance associated with the gieve scope.
 Bindings AbstractScriptEngine.getBindings(int scope)
          Retrieves a reference to the associated namespace for the specified level of scope.

Methods in javax.script with parameters of type Bindings
 java.lang.Object CompiledScript.eval(Bindings namespace)
          Re-evaluates the pre-compiled script using the specified namespace as the SCRIPT_SCOPE and using ENGINE_SCOPE, GLOBAL_SCOPE of the associated ScriptEngine.
 java.lang.Object ScriptEngine.eval( reader, Bindings namespace)
          Evaluates a piece of scripts obtained using a reader as the script source and using the specified namespace as the SCRIPT_SCOPE.
 java.lang.Object AbstractScriptEngine.eval( reader, Bindings nameSpace)
          Evaluates a piece of scripts obtained using a reader as the script source and using the specified namespace as the SCRIPT_SCOPE.
 java.lang.Object ScriptEngine.eval(java.lang.String script, Bindings namespace)
          Evaluates a piece of script using the specified namespace as the SCRIPT_SCOPE.
 java.lang.Object AbstractScriptEngine.eval(java.lang.String script, Bindings nameSpace)
          Evaluates a piece of script using the specified namespace as its SCRIPT_SCOPE.
 void ScriptEngineManager.setBindings(Bindings namespace)
          Sets the GLOBAL_SCOPE value to the specified namespace.
 void SimpleScriptContext.setBindings(Bindings namespace, int scope)
          Associates the specified namespace with specified level of scope.
 void ScriptEngine.setBindings(Bindings namespace, int scope)
          Associates the specified namespace with the specified level of scope.
 void ScriptContext.setBindings(Bindings namespace, int scope)
          Associates the specified namespace with the specified scope.
 void AbstractScriptEngine.setBindings(Bindings namespace, int scope)
          Associates a namespace with a specified level of scope.

Constructors in javax.script with parameters of type Bindings
AbstractScriptEngine(Bindings namespace)
          Constructs a ScriptEngine using the specified namespace as its ENGINE_SCOPE.

Uses of Bindings in

Methods in that return Bindings
 Bindings PhpScriptContextDecorator.getBindings(int scope)
          Retrieves the Namespace instance associated with the gieve scope.
 Bindings ScriptContextDecorator.getBindings(int scope)
          Retrieves the Namespace instance associated with the gieve scope.

Methods in with parameters of type Bindings
 void PhpScriptContextDecorator.setBindings(Bindings namespace, int scope)
          Associates the specified namespace with the specified scope.
 void ScriptContextDecorator.setBindings(Bindings namespace, int scope)
          Associates the specified namespace with the specified scope.

Constructors in with parameters of type Bindings
InteractivePhpScriptEngine(Bindings n)
          Create a new ScriptEngine with bindings.
InvocablePhpScriptEngine(Bindings n)
          Create a new ScriptEngine with bindings.
PhpScriptEngine(Bindings n)
          Create a new ScriptEngine with bindings.