<?php require_once ("java/Java.inc");
try {
echo "indexing ... ";
/* Create an index */
/* create the index files in the tmp dir */
$tmp = create_index_dir();
$analyzer = new java("org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer");
$writer = new java("org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter", $tmp, $analyzer, true);
$file = new java("java.io.File", $cwd);
$files = $file->listFiles();
assert (!java_is_null($files));
foreach($files as $f) {
$doc = new java("org.apache.lucene.document.Document");
$doc->add(new java("org.apache.lucene.document.Field",
echo "done\n";
echo "searching... ";
/* Search */
$searcher = new java("org.apache.lucene.search.IndexSearcher", $tmp);
$phrase = new java("org.apache.lucene.search.MatchAllDocsQuery");
$hits = $searcher->search($phrase);
/* Print result */
$iter = $hits->iterator();
$n = java_values($hits->length());
echo "done\n";
echo "Hits: $n\n";
/* Instead of retrieving the values one-by-one, we store them into a
* LinkedList on the server side and then retrieve the list in one
* query using java_values():
$resultList = new java("java.util.LinkedList");
// create an XML document from the
// following PHP code, ...
while($n--) {
$next = $iter->next();
$name = $next->get("name");
// .. retrieve the result, ...
$result = java_values($resultList);
// ... print the result array
} catch (JavaException $e) {
echo "Exception occured: "; echo $e; echo "<br>\n";
/** helper functions */
/** create a temporary directory for the lucene index files. Make sure
* to create the tmpdir from Java so that the directory has
* javabridge_tmp_t Security Enhanced Linux permission. Note that PHP
* does not have access to tempfiles with java_bridge_tmp_t: PHP
* inherits the rights from the HTTPD, usually httpd_tmp_t.
function create_index_dir() {
global $tmp_file, $tmp_dir;
$javaTmpdir = java("java.lang.System")->getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
$tmpdir = java_values($javaTmpdir);
$tmp_file=tempnam($tmpdir, "idx");
$tmp_dir=new java("java.io.File", "${tmp_file}.d");
return java_values($tmp_dir->toString());
/** delete the lucene index files */
function delete_index_dir() {
global $tmp_file, $tmp_dir;
$files = $tmp_dir->listFiles();
foreach($files as $f) {