# PHP/Java Bridge test client written in python.
# Run this example with: python getProperties.py
import socket
import sys
import base64;
HOST = 'localhost' # The host running the server part of the bridge
PORT = 9267 # The standard port of the bridge
s = None
for res in socket.getaddrinfo(HOST, PORT,
socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
except socket.error, msg:
s = None
except socket.error, msg:
s = None
if s is None:
print 'Could not connect to socket.'
print 'Please start the bridge, for example with java -jar JavaBridge.jar INET:9267 5 ""'
# ask for System.getProperties()
s.send('<C value="java.lang.System" p="Class"></C>')
data = s.recv(1024); # System: object=1
s.send('<I value="1" method="getProperties" p="Invoke"></I>');
data = s.recv(1024); # Properties: object=2
# create a map for the properties object ...
s.send('<I value="0" method="getPhpMap" p="Invoke"> <Object value="2"/> </I>')
data = s.recv(1024); # PhpMap: object=3
# ... to iterate over the values ...
s.send('<I value="3" method="hasMore" p="Invoke"></I>');
data = s.recv(1024); # yes
s.send('<I value="3" method="currentKey" p="Invoke"></I>');
key = s.recv(1024); # string: key
# ... show only the first entry.
s.send('<I value="3" method="currentData" p="Invoke"></I>');
data = s.recv(1024); # the string object, #4
# received the string object, call bridge.castToString(ob#4) to see the string:
s.send('<I value="0" method="castToString" p="Invoke"><O value="4"/></I>');
data = s.recv(1024); # value
# should have received the first entry from java.lang.System.getProperties()
data = str(data);
data = data.replace('<S v="', "");
data = data.replace('"/>', "");
data = base64.decodestring(data);
print 'Received:\n', `data`