There are at least 4 other php to java bridges which offer a similar API. One was distributed with PHP 4.0.0 and has been discontinued. Two other bridges are proprietary software, built into a vendor-specific framework from Zend or a J2EE application server from Caucho. Furthermore IBM's Zero framework for Eclipse contains a PHP interpreter written in pure Java and a php to java bridge which can call Java methods in-process.
The only free alternatives are SOAP and XML-RPC, which are up to 50 times slower than the XML protocol implementation used by this VM Bridge.
A Java extension does not exist, so you can't enable it.
The VM Bridge is a network protocol, it requires a running Java VM, for example the servlet container Apache/Tomcat. Or, if you want to call PHP libraries from Java, a running PHP container, e.g. Apache or IIS.
Only the PHP code from
and a running Java application, for example JavaBridge.jar
, or a running Java servlet, for example JavaBridge.war
Test code:
<?php require_once("http://localhost:8080/JavaBridge/java/");
echo java("java.lang.System")->getProperties(); ?>
Only the PHP code from JavaProxy.php
within your PHP web application, the Java libraries JavaBridge.jar
, php-script.jar
and php-servlet.jar
, and a ContextLoaderListener
declaration in your WEB-INF/web.xml
Test code:
javax.script.CompiledScript script =((javax.script.Compilable)(new javax.script.ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("php"))).compile("<?php echo 'Hello '.java_context()->get('hello').'!'; ?>");
javax.script.CompiledScript instance = (javax.script.CompiledScript)((;
instance.getEngine().put("hello", "java");
instance.getEngine().put("hello", "world");
All exceptions crossing the php/java container must be declared. If you want to catch java.lang.RuntimeException
or java.lang.Error
from PHP code, add a "throws" declaration. Example:
public Object calculateValue(...) throws RuntimeException;
It is a good programming practice to not allow java.lang.RuntimeException
and java.lang.Error
to cross an application container boundary. A JEE "enterprise java beans" container for example will terminate a transaction immediately if it encounters an exception derived from Error or RuntimeException.
However, since PHP/Java Bridge version 5.5.3 the bridge reports a java.lang.RuntimeException/Error as a PHP JavaException if the option JAVA_PREFER_VALUES
is set. Please see the NEWS entry for version 5.5.3 from the PHP/Java Bridge documentation download for details.
Yes, Java needs an execution environment. Experienced users may use the execution environment built into JavaBridge.jar, see java -jar JavaBridge.jar --help
for help.
You can also add PHP support to your standalone Java application by adding the following line to its main class:
static final runner =;
The above code opens the port 8087, so that local PHP scripts can call
methods/procedures from your Java application, as long as your Java
application is running.
The third option is the standard JSR 223 script interface, which allows one to execute PHP code/scripts from Java applications.
Copy log4j.jar
into java.ext.dirs
. Example for JDK 6:
cp log4j.jar /usr/java/packages/lib/ext
Start the log4j viewer. Example for JDK 6:
/opt/jdk1.6/bin/java org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.Main
Start the application server with the options
. Example for tomcat:
JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.6 JAVA_OPTS="" bin/ run
Example for the standalone container:
java -jar JavaBridge.jar SERVLET:8080
With the -D flag. See java -jar JavaBridge.jar --help for details. If tomcat is being used, one can set these options as follows:
JAVA_OPTS="-D... -D..." /opt/tomcat/bin/ run
Use a VM >= 1.6 and add more RAM to your computer. Older Java versions
support the Xmx
java -Xmx512M ... -jar JavaBridge.jar SERVLET:8080
With a define
before a PHP library is loaded. Global options can also be set in the php.ini
file. Use phpinfo() to see the location of this file.
Useful options which can be set before the is loaded are:
define ("JAVA_PREFER_VALUES", false);
define ("JAVA_HOSTS", "");
require_once ("java/");
Please see the for details.
Server-side options can be set in the file, see the JavaBridge.jar zip file (contained in the JavaBridge.war zip file) for details.
Yes. On a GNU operating system (e.g.: GNU/Linux, GNU/windows (aka "cygwin"), ...) you can use the GCC compiler to compile Java classes to native code.
Simply compile the C based extension and omit the
configure option. The bridge will use the
library, which is part of the GNU gcc compiler. This library also uses much less system
resources (memory, files) than a "real" Java VM.
GCJ support has been removed in PHP/Java Bridge version 6. If you want to compile JavaBridge.jar to native code, please use PHP/Java Bridge version 5.5.4 instead.
The "current working directory" is not useful, as the Java back end may be running on a different server or from a different working directory. Use a full path or a URL resource instead.
Check the PHP error log, see your php.ini
file for details. If the command:
echo '<?php require_once("http://localhost:8080/JavaBridge/java/"); echo java("java.lang.System")->getProperties();?>' | php -n -d allow_url_include=On
works in the shell but not within apache, then there's something wrong with your php.ini
Yes, see the examples folder from the source download.
Yes, PHP/Java Bridge version < 6 contains a PHP library
"" generated from "" and a "MonoBridge.exe" generated
from "JavaBridge.jar". If you want to compile from source, use the
configure option --with-mono
Mono/.NET support has been removed in PHP/Java Bridge version 6. If you want to access Mono/.NET libraries, please use PHP/Java Bridge version 5.5.4 instead.
That your Java has problems, for example an OutOfMemoryError. Check the back end (Tomcat/J2EE/...) log for details.
It could also indicate a setup problem. If you use a servlet back end but haven't set the java.servlet
option, the PHP library
will confuse the HTML response from the servlet engine with the XML protocol used by the bridge.
Start a simple socket listener and use the following "Java" class:
// The following is the "Java" class definition, stripped down to fit
// into one line. To use this sample start Java with: java -jar
// JavaBridge.jar INET:9267. Then type: php sample.php
class P{var$Pc="<C v=\"%s\" p=\"I\">",$PC="</C>",$Pi="<I v=\"%d\" m=\"%s\" p=\"I\">",$PI="</I>",$Ps="<S v=\"%s\"/>",$Pl="<L v=\"%d\" p=\"%s\"/>",$Po="<O v=\"%d\"/>",$c;function str($s){fwrite($this->c,sprintf($this->Ps,$s));}function obj($s){fwrite($this->c,sprintf($this->Po,$s->j));}function P(){$this->c=fsockopen("",9267);}function cB($s){fwrite($this->c,sprintf($this->Pc,$s));}function cE(){fwrite($this->c,$this->PC);}function iB($o,$m){fwrite($this->c,sprintf($this->Pi,$o,$m));}function iE(){fwrite($this->c,$this->PI);}function v($s){if(is_object($s))$this->obj($s);else$this->str((string)$s);}function res(){$r=sscanf(fread($this->c,8192),"%s v=\"%[^\"]\"");return$r[1];}}function gP(){static$p;if(!$p)$p=new P();return$p;}class Java{var$j,$p;function Java(){if(!func_num_args())return;$this->p=gP();$ar=func_get_args();$this->p->cB(array_shift($ar));foreach($ar as$arg)$this->p->v($arg);$this->p->cE();$ar=sscanf($this->p->res(),"%d");$this->j=$ar[0];}function __call($m,$a,&$rv){$this->p->iB($this->j,$m);foreach($a as$arg)$this->p->v($arg);$this->p->iE();$p=new Java();$ar=sscanf($this->p->res(),"%d");$p->j=$ar[0];$p->p=$this->p;$rv=$p;return true;}function toString(){$this->p->iB("","castToString");$this->p->v($this);$this->p->iE();return base64_decode($this->p->res());}}overload("Java");
// Test
$i1 = new Java("java.math.BigInteger", "1");
$i2 = new Java("java.math.BigInteger", "2");
$i3 = $i1->add($i2);
echo $i3->toString() . "\n";
Because Java doesn't have a module system.
For example a library "lucene-2.3.1.jar" required by application B,
cannot be loaded if an older version of the library, required by
application A, is already cached.
An attempt to link the library anyway will cause "NoClassDefFound" or "NoSuchMethod" errors at runtime. Or some procedures may throw checked exceptions even though they haven't declared them.
To protect PHP developers from Java's "jar hell", I have removed the dynamic class loading mechanism from PHP/Java Bridge version 6.0; java_require() issues a warning.
A proper Java module system must use special Java VM hooks, which don't exist until now.
You should link your Java application as described in the Java standalone or Java webapps documents.
No, it can't. java_require
is deprecated and has been removed in PHP/Java Bridge version 6. Ask Java gurus for help.
In your web application WEB-INF/lib
If libraries should be available globally, store them in java.ext.dirs
, for example in /usr/share/java/ext
You probably haven't loaded the relevant Java library. Or the class doesn't exist or it is not public or it throws a java.lang.Error during initialization. Check which library exports the feature and add the library to your web application WEB-INF/lib directory.
Because Java doesn't have a module system.
All libraries and their dependencies must be loaded by one, and only one class loader.
Please read the previous sentence until you understand what it means; for example a simple file system copy(!) operation may be the cause for a NoClassDefFoundError.
Please do not report NoClassDefFoundErrors to the mailing list or via the bug tracker. This is not a bug and we cannot help you any further!
You can't. Java libraries must be pure Java.
Please read the
documentation of your J2EE server, Servlet engine or Java VM to see if and
how the environment can handle impure Java libraries. A common approach is to store the Java part in java.ext.dirs
and the native part in java.library.path
PHP binaries go to WEB-INF/cgi/ARCHITECTURE-OS
and should be named php-cgi.exe
(Windows) or php-cgi
PHP extensions go to WEB-INF/cgi/ARCHITECTORE-OS/ext
. The extension can be customized with a WEB-INF/cgi/ARCHITECTURE-OS/conf.d/EXTENSION.ini
Pure PHP libraries go to WEB-INF/pear/
Example for the PHP mysql extension for Linux and Windows (i386/x86):
WEB-INF --- cgi --- php-cgi-x86-windows.exe
--- x86-windows --- conf.d --- mysql.ini [extension="php_mysql.dll"]
| |
| --- ext --- php_mysql.dll
--- php-cgi-i386-linux
--- i386-linux --- conf.d --- mysql.ini [extension=""]
--- ext ---
Add the following code to your servlet:
public String hello() { return "hello from MyServlet"; }
protected void doPut (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {
IContextFactory ctx = new RemoteHttpServletContextFactory(this, getServletContext(), req, req, res);
res.setHeader("X_JAVABRIDGE_CONTEXT", ctx.getId());
res.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
try { ctx.getBridge().handleRequests(req.getInputStream(), res.getOutputStream()); } finally { ctx.destroy(); }
Then copy the libraries JavaBridge.jar
and php-servlet.jar
to your WEB-INF/lib
directory and re-deploy your web application.
If your servlet is programmed so that it listens on localhost:8080/MyWebApp/MyServlet, set JAVA_HOSTS
to these values:
define("JAVA_HOSTS", "localhost:8080");
define("JAVA_SERVLET", "/MyWebApp/MyServlet");
echo java_context()->getServlet()->hello();
Set up the VM Bridge cluster as described below. The example uses two nodes named "carlos" and "diego". The HTTP server front end runs on the web server "timon".
Install Apache 2.2.0 or higher.
Enable proxy_module
and proxy_balancer_module
. The following example is for Linux (lines marked with "+" should be added to the conf/httpd.conf
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
+ LoadModule proxy_module modules/
+ LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule cache_module modules/
Add the following code to the bottom of your conf/httpd.conf
ProxyPass /JavaBridge balancer://mycluster maxattempts=2
<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
BalancerMember http://diego:8080/JavaBridge
BalancerMember http://carlos:8080/JavaBridge
<Location /balancer-manager>
SetHandler balancer-manager
Deny from all
Allow from
Start the cluster nodes on "carlos" and "diego".
Browse to http://timon/JavaBridge/
(note the trailing slash) and click on the test.php. Click on refresh. Check if both nodes respond.
Browse to http://timon/JavaBridge/sessionSharing.php
and click on refresh. Check the cookie value.
Browse to http://timon/balancer-manager/
Please see the mod_rewrite
documentation for more information how to rewrite incoming URLs.
Download tomcat 5 or higher, a Java JRE 5 or higher and the VM Bridge 4.1.6 or higher.
The following example uses two nodes running on two machines called "carlos" and "diego".
On all nodes: Extract the tomcat distribution into a directory.
On "diego" add the following to conf/server.xml
<Cluster className="org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster"
<Manager className="org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager"
<Channel className="">
<Receiver className="org.apache.catalina.tribes.transport.nio.NioReceiver"
On "carlos" add the following to conf/server.xml
<Cluster className="org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster"
<Manager className="org.apache.catalina.ha.session.DeltaManager"
<Channel className="">
<Receiver className="org.apache.catalina.tribes.transport.nio.NioReceiver"
Copy the "JavaBridge.war" into the "webapps" directory on "diego" and "carlos" and start both nodes. For example with the command:
JAVA_OPTS="" JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default bin/ run
Please see your HTTP server documentation and the description above how to set it up as a load balancer.
, php-servlet.jar
and php-script.jar
from the JavaBridge.war
zip archive to $CATALINA_HOME/lib
to the tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml
web app:
<web-app xmlns=... >
+ <listener><listener-class></listener-class></listener>
+ <servlet><servlet-name>PhpJavaServlet</servlet-name><servlet-class></servlet-class>
+ </servlet>
+ <servlet><servlet-name>PhpCGIServlet</servlet-name><servlet-class></servlet-class>
+ <init-param><param-name>prefer_system_php_exec</param-name><param-value>On</param-value></init-param>
+ <init-param><param-name>php_include_java</param-name><param-value>On</param-value></init-param>
+ </servlet>
+ <servlet-mapping><servlet-name>PhpJavaServlet</servlet-name><url-pattern>*.phpjavabridge</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
+ <servlet-mapping><servlet-name>PhpCGIServlet</servlet-name><url-pattern>*.php</url-pattern></servlet-mapping>
<?php echo java("java.lang.System")->getProperties(); ?>
to some web context, for example "examples", and browse to
In case you don't need to access Java from all of your scripts, you can set the php_include_java
option to Off
and require_once("java/")
, if needed.
Create a directory myApplication
, create the directories myApplication/WEB-INF/lib/
and myApplication/WEB-INF/cgi/
Download the J2EE binary and copy the JavaBridge.jar
and the php-servlet.jar
from the JavaBridge.war to the myApplication/WEB-INF/lib/
folder. Copy the contents of the cgi
folder to myApplication/WEB-INF/cgi/
. Create the file myApplication/WEB-INF/web.xml
with the following content:
<!-- PHP Servlet -->
<!-- PHP CGI processing servlet, used when Apache/IIS are not available -->
<!-- PHP Servlet Mapping -->
<!--PHP CGI Servlet Mapping -->
<!-- Welcome files -->
Copy the files sessionSharing.jsp
and sessionSharing.php
from the JavaBridge.war
to myApplication
and create myApplication.war
, for example with the commands: cd myApplication; jar cf ../myApplication.war *
The web archive can now be distributed, copy it to the tomcat webapps
directory and re-start tomcat. Visit http://localhost/myApplication/sessionSharing.php
and http://localhost/myApplication/sessionSharing.jsp
Install the PHP/Java Bridge for all web application as described here.
Set up Apache or IIS so that it forwards requests to the back end. Please see the description above for details.
No. The bridge back end is written in pure java, it doesn't use any native code. Native PHP runs within Apache, IIS, or a FCGI server. If the PHP instance crashes, an error page is returned to the client and the Apache, IIS, CGI container usually starts a new PHP instance for the next request.
It's a JBoss problem, although this problem may also appear in other application servers which do not strictly separate the application/bean domains. The JavaBridge.war already contains the documentClient.jar
as a library, so JBoss references the library classes instead of the bean classes. Just remove the documentClient.jar
from the JavaBridge.war
, re-deploy JavaBridge.war
and run the test again.
In JBoss' default setup the code:
// access the home interface
$DocumentHome = java("DocumentHome");
$PortableRemoteObject = java("javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject");
$home=$PortableRemoteObject->narrow($objref, $DocumentHome);
refences the DocumentHome
from the library, which is assignment-incompatible to DocumentHome
from the enterprise bean (DocumentHome@WebAppClassLoader
!= DocumentHome@BeanClassLoader
), so you get a ClassCastException in narrow
In contrast the Sun J2EE server correctly separates the beans/applications; the $objref
is a unique proxy generated by a parent of the WebAppClassLoader
, so that narrow
can always cast the proxy to DocumentHome@WebAppClassLoader
, even if a class with the same name is already available from the WebAppClassLoader
By providing JSR 223 based PHP beans and a description how to manage them, as usual. The code
static final javax.script.CompiledScript script =((javax.script.Compilable)(new javax.script.ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("php"))).compile("<?php echo 'Hello '.java_context()->get('hello').'!'; ?>");
javax.script.CompiledScript instance = (javax.script.CompiledScript)((;
can be used to access the JSR 223 ScriptEngine from the framework, provided that a listener has been configured in the WEB-INF/web.xml:
Use the virtual()
or java_virtual()
Warning: Do not open a "loop back" url connection (e.g. via fopen("http://localhost.../foo.asp")
) to include the local resource. This might exceed the HTTP server's pool size and create a deadlock!
With the java
function, for example: java("java.lang.System")
The function is defined in http://localhost:8080/JavaBridge/java/
function java($clazz) {
static $classMap = array();
if(array_key_exists($clazz, $classMap)) return $classMap[$clazz];
return classMap[$clazz]=new JavaClass($clazz);
PHP scripts must explicitly allocate a session with java_session()
. For example:
// now the (Remote-)HttpServletRequest knows about the session:
echo java_context()->getHttpServletRequest()->getSession();
are redirected to the server log file(s). When
PHP scripts are invoked from a java framework (Java Server Faces for
example), even the PHP output is redirected. For the standalone back
end the output appears in the
or in VMBridge.log, see
.ini option java.log_file
. For the j2ee back end the
location of the log file(s) depends on the j2ee server
If you must code it yourself: with
e.g. java_session()->put("buf", $stringBuffer)
Request-handling threads are started
from a thread pool, which limits the number of user requests to 20
(default), see system property
. All further requests have to
wait until one of the worker threads returns to the pool.
When running in a servlet engine, a ContextServer is started which handles the pipe or local socket communication channel.
When java invokes local scripts outside of a HTTP environment, the bridge starts a HttpServer, a ContextServer and a HttpProxy. The HttpProxy represents the PHP continuation and the HttpServer the request-handling java continuation associated with the JSR223 script.
syntax. For example
public interface php {
public class java {
public enum bridge {JavaBridge, JavaBridgeRunner};
$bridge = new java('php$java$bridge');
echo $bridge->JavaBridgeRunner;
Primitive types are wrapped by associated java classes.
The following example uses reflect.Array
to create a new byte
$Byte = java("java.lang.Byte");
$byte = $Byte->TYPE;
$Array = java("java.lang.reflect.Array");
$byteArray = $Array->newInstance($byte, 255);
$System = java("java.lang.System");
$length = $System->in->read($byteArray);
$str = new Java("java.lang.String", $byteArray, 0, $length);
echo "You have typed: $str\n";
The following scripts were executed on one 1.5 GHZ x86 cpu running RedHat Fedora 10 Linux and Sun jdk1.6.0_02. We have tested "Mozilla Rhino" 1.6 release 2 from JDK 1.6, Caucho "Quercus" version 3.2.1, the PHP/Java Bridge version 5.4.4, and PHP 4's ext/java.
The PHP code (t11.php
$buf=new java("java.lang.StringBuilder");
for ($i=0; $i<400000; $i++) $buf->append($i);
echo $buf->length() . "\n";
$buf=new java("java.lang.StringBuilder");
for ($i=0; $i<400000; $i++) $buf->append(new java("java.lang.String", $i));
echo $buf->length() . "\n";
buf = new java.lang.StringBuilder();
for(i=0; i<400000; i++) buf.append(new java.lang.Integer(i));
print (buf.length());
Command | Script Engine | Communication Channel | Execution time (real, user, sys) | time jrunscript -l js t11.js | "Mozilla Rhino" 1.6 release 2 | none (native code) | 0m7.932s, 0m7.701s, 0m0.113s |
time jrunscript -classpath quercus.jar:resin-util.jar:servlet-api.jar -l quercus t12.php | Quercus 3.2.1 | none (native code) | 0m7.134s, 0m5.050s, 0m1.934s |
time jrunscript -classpath JavaBridge.jar -l php t11.php | PHP/Java Bridge 5.4.4 | named pipes (XML protocol) | 0m16.059s, 0m15.341s, 0m0.197s |
php t11.php | PHP 4.4.7/PHP-Java extension | JNI (binary protocol) | 0m57.689s, 0m56.243s, 0m0.467s |
OutOfMemoryErrors may happen because a cached object cannot be released, either because
When a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
reaches the request-handling thread, the VM Bridge thread pool removes the thread from its pool and writes a message FATAL: OutOfMemoryError
to the VM Bridge log file. The session store is cleaned and all client connections are terminated without confirmation.
If the OutOfMemoryError persists, this means that a thread outside of the VM Bridge has caused this error condition.
OutOfMemory conditions can be debugged by running the back end with e.g.:
java -agentlib:hprof=heap=sites -jar JavaBridge.jar
By using java_closure()
and the visitor pattern for example.
In PHP 5.3 or above the following code can be used:
use java\lang\String as JString;
class String extends JString {
function toString(){return "I am " . parent::toString();}
function __toString() {return $this->toString();}
echo new String("foo");
=> I am foo
With java_values()
. For example:
$ar = java("java.lang.reflect.Array")->newInstance(java("java.lang.Integer"), 2);
$ar[0] = new java("java.lang.Integer", 2);$ar[1] = new java("java.lang.Integer", 5);
With java_closure(ENV, MAP, INTERFACES)
. For example:
class Foo {
function toString() {return "php::foo";}
$foo = new Foo();
$jObj = java_closure($foo);
$String = java("java.lang.String");
echo $String->valueOf($jObj);
$tag = new Java("");
$session = java_session();
$ctx = java_context();
$servlet = $ctx->getAttribute("");
$response = $ctx->getAttribute("");
$request = $ctx->getAttribute("");
$factory = java("javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory")->getDefaultFactory();
$pc = $factory->getPageContext($servlet, $request, $response, null, true, 8192, false);
$value = $tag->doStartTag();
if(($value != Java("javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag")->SKIP_BODY) {
if($value != Java("javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag")->EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE)) {
do {
} while($tag->doAfterBody() == Java("javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag")->EVAL_BODY_AGAIN)
if($value != Java("javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag")->EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE) $pc->popBody();
The generated content (if any) can be retrieved from the servlet output stream with:
Please see the php_java_lib/JspTag.php
and tests.php5/tag.php
for details.
You can ignore the parameter type.
Java doesn't support real generics on byte-code level. The generics in JDK 1.5 and above are implemented as "erasures"; they are syntactic sugar, useful only for the Java compiler. The generated byte-code is the same as in JDK 1.4.
Pass them as a PHP array. Example:
<?php require_once("http://localhost:8080/JavaBridge/java/");
$t1 = new java('Varargs$Test', 1);
$t2 = new java('Varargs$Test', 2);
echo java("Varargs")->varargs(array($t1, $t2));
public class Varargs {
public static class Test {
public int i;
public Test (int i) {
this.i = i;
public String toString() {
return String.valueOf(i);
public static String varargs(Test ...tests) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (Test test : tests) {
return buf.toString();
Use java_is_null($value)
or is_null (java_values ($value))
to test for a (Java-) NULL value.
Simply deploy the VM Bridge web archive into the servlet engine or application server listening on port 8080. Or use a different port.
The standalone option SERVLET_LOCAL emulates a servlet engine and starts a HTTP server which can select the fastest channel supported on this operating system. On Linux this is a named pipe created in /dev/shm or INET_LOCAL as a fall back.
INET_LOCAL always uses local TCP socket communication.
Download and install a servlet engine or J2EE server as a Windows or Unix service.
In order to communicate with Java, a PHP "Java" class definition is needed. Here's a simple PHP "Java" class definition which fits into one line:
// The following is the "Java" class definition, stripped down to fit
// into one line. To use this sample start Java with: java -jar
// JavaBridge.jar INET:9267.Then type: php sample.php
class P{var$Pc="<C v=\"%s\" p=\"I\">",$PC="</C>",$Pi="<I v=\"%d\" m=\"%s\" p=\"I\">",$PI="</I>",$Ps="<S v=\"%s\"/>",$Pl="<L v=\"%d\" p=\"%s\"/>",$Po="<O v=\"%d\"/>",$c;function str($s){fwrite($this->c,sprintf($this->Ps,$s));}function obj($s){fwrite($this->c,sprintf($this->Po,$s->j));}function P(){$this->c=fsockopen("",9267);}function cB($s){fwrite($this->c,sprintf($this->Pc,$s));}function cE(){fwrite($this->c,$this->PC);}function iB($o,$m){fwrite($this->c,sprintf($this->Pi,$o,$m));}function iE(){fwrite($this->c,$this->PI);}function v($s){if(is_object($s))$this->obj($s);else$this->str((string)$s);}function res(){$r=sscanf(fread($this->c,8192),"%s v=\"%[^\"]\"");return$r[1];}}function gP(){static$p;if(!$p)$p=new P();return$p;}class Java{var$j,$p;function Java(){if(!func_num_args())return;$this->p=gP();$ar=func_get_args();$this->p->cB(array_shift($ar));foreach($ar as$arg)$this->p->v($arg);$this->p->cE();$ar=sscanf($this->p->res(),"%d");$this->j=$ar[0];}function __call($m,$a){$this->p->iB($this->j,$m);foreach($a as$arg)$this->p->v($arg);$this->p->iE();$p=new Java();$ar=sscanf($this->p->res(),"%d");$p->j=$ar[0];$p->p=$this->p;return$p;}function toString(){$this->p->iB("","castToString");$this->p->v($this);$this->p->iE();return base64_decode($this->p->res());}};
// Test
$i1 = new Java("java.math.BigInteger", "1");
$i2 = new Java("java.math.BigInteger", "2");
$i3 = $i1->add($i2);
echo $i3->toString() . "\n";
The above simple "Java" class assumes that some Java VM has been
started on host "", port "9267". And it cannot handle values
larger than 8192 bytes. Therefore the VM Bridge
should be used. Scripts should contain
the statement
at the beginning of each script. PHP compiles and caches PHP scripts, the
library is loaded only once.
It means that request.getServerPort()
is lying. Port 80 is privileged and therefore cannot be the servlet engine's server port.
If you use the AJP connector, for example via ProxyPassMatch ^(/.*\.jsp)$ ajp://$1
, set the correct proxyPort
in tomcat/conf/server.xml
. Example:
<!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
- <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />
+ <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" proxyPort="8080" redirectPort="8443" />
Please see the AJP documentation for details.